Beslan: Did armed townspeople execute Russian commandos?
(too old to reply)
Bill Palmer
2004-09-07 08:38:49 UTC
As the stream of transparent lies the Russian
government has been flooding world media
centers with grows wider and deeper, new
scenarios are being suggested every few

For example, now the Russian government is
saying that 20 commandos lost their lives,
mostly shot, not by the terrorists, but by
the townspeople who were shooting at the
terrorists and hit the commandos in error.

In the first place, think of the utter
absurdity of anyone conducting a hostage
rescue operation when wrought-up relatives
of the hostages, bristling with weapons,
are standing just behind the anti-terrorist
forces. Would any sort of police or
commando unit want to try and do its job
in such a situation and risk getting shot
in the back by an emotional relative of
a hostage?

Of course not. From the Russia government,
the media gets this far-fetched scenario
of the troops standing outside the
school exchanging fire with the terrorists
and then an image of troops dropping like
ducks due to being shot in the back by
gun-totating vigilantes.

It very likely never happened.

If indeed a large number of commandos were
shot by the townspeople rather than by
the hostages, it is far more likely
that the vigilante townspeople, probably
many of them parents or other relatives
of the children held in the school
simply executed the commandos after the
bombs went off. The townspeople probably
did that because they became enraged that
the commandos did not prevent the school
from exploding, and the explosions no doubt
looked and sounded so bad, that the relatives
with all the guns assumed their children
had already been killed and took their
fury out on the commandos.

Mr. Palmer
Room 314 in the upstairs office
Extreme InteIIigence
2004-09-07 10:57:19 UTC
Post by Bill Palmer
As the stream of transparent lies the Russian
government has been flooding world media
centers with grows wider and deeper, new
scenarios are being suggested every few
For example, now the Russian government is
saying that 20 commandos lost their lives,
mostly shot, not by the terrorists, but by
the townspeople who were shooting at the
terrorists and hit the commandos in error.
In the first place, think of the utter
absurdity of anyone conducting a hostage
rescue operation when wrought-up relatives
of the hostages, bristling with weapons,
are standing just behind the anti-terrorist
forces. Would any sort of police or
commando unit want to try and do its job
in such a situation and risk getting shot
in the back by an emotional relative of
a hostage?
Of course not. From the Russia government,
the media gets this far-fetched scenario
of the troops standing outside the
school exchanging fire with the terrorists
and then an image of troops dropping like
ducks due to being shot in the back by
gun-totating vigilantes.
It very likely never happened.
If indeed a large number of commandos were
shot by the townspeople rather than by
the hostages, it is far more likely
that the vigilante townspeople, probably
many of them parents or other relatives
of the children held in the school
simply executed the commandos after the
bombs went off. The townspeople probably
did that because they became enraged that
the commandos did not prevent the school
from exploding, and the explosions no doubt
looked and sounded so bad, that the relatives
with all the guns assumed their children
had already been killed and took their
fury out on the commandos.
Mr. Palmer
Room 314 in the upstairs office
One thing that was very obvious in watching the various films of the
siege....when the fighting started, there were bullets going all over the
place. You could see bullets hitting in places were there were obviously no
There had to be some awfully incompetant people firing those AK's.

Commandos getting shot in the back seems a very real possibility.

One thing for certain, you don't allow civilians into the crime scene area
and certainly not with weapons. This is basic police procedure. Bullets
travel far and they were huge crowds of bystanders right across the street
from the school.
Extreme Intelligence
2004-09-07 15:31:54 UTC
Post by Extreme InteIIigence
One thing that was very obvious in watching the various films of the
siege....when the fighting started, there were bullets going all over the
place. You could see bullets hitting in places were there were obviously
no terrorists.
There had to be some awfully incompetant people firing those AK's.
Commandos getting shot in the back seems a very real possibility.
One thing for certain, you don't allow civilians into the crime scene area
and certainly not with weapons. This is basic police procedure. Bullets
travel far and they were huge crowds of bystanders right across the street
from the school.
I am not impressed at all with Russian Governmen't performance but lets not
blame Putin. Lets blame the incompetant beurocrates down the chain of
command that need to be replaced.

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Bill Palmer
2004-09-07 17:04:55 UTC
Post by Extreme InteIIigence
Post by Bill Palmer
As the stream of transparent lies the Russian
government has been flooding world media
centers with grows wider and deeper, new
scenarios are being suggested every few
For example, now the Russian government is
saying that 20 commandos lost their lives,
mostly shot, not by the terrorists, but by
the townspeople who were shooting at the
terrorists and hit the commandos in error.
In the first place, think of the utter
absurdity of anyone conducting a hostage
rescue operation when wrought-up relatives
of the hostages, bristling with weapons,
are standing just behind the anti-terrorist
forces. Would any sort of police or
commando unit want to try and do its job
in such a situation and risk getting shot
in the back by an emotional relative of
a hostage?
Of course not. From the Russia government,
the media gets this far-fetched scenario
of the troops standing outside the
school exchanging fire with the terrorists
and then an image of troops dropping like
ducks due to being shot in the back by
gun-totating vigilantes.
It very likely never happened.
If indeed a large number of commandos were
shot by the townspeople rather than by
the hostages, it is far more likely
that the vigilante townspeople, probably
many of them parents or other relatives
of the children held in the school
simply executed the commandos after the
bombs went off. The townspeople probably
did that because they became enraged that
the commandos did not prevent the school
from exploding, and the explosions no doubt
looked and sounded so bad, that the relatives
with all the guns assumed their children
had already been killed and took their
fury out on the commandos.
Mr. Palmer
Room 314 in the upstairs office
One thing that was very obvious in watching the various films of the
siege....when the fighting started, there were bullets going all over the
place. You could see bullets hitting in places were there were obviously no
There had to be some awfully incompetant people firing those AK's.
Commandos getting shot in the back seems a very real possibility.
A tragic possiblility, especially considering
it may have been deliberate and done after the
school was already a smoking wreck.
Post by Extreme InteIIigence
One thing for certain, you don't allow civilians into the crime scene area
and certainly not with weapons.
That is exactly what raises eyebrows
about the Russian report of its commandos
being shot in the back by the civilians.
Further, remember too that these were
not ordinary, level-headed civilians,
but were people who were extremely
wrought-up over friends, family members
and relatives being taken hostage. In
other words, they were weapon-carrying
individuals who were likely to prove
extremely trigger-happy. Letting such
people stand right there with their
automatic rifles behind the commandos who
were shooting it out with the terrorists
makes no sense at all -- for the commandos
it would have been like playing, well,
"Russian roulette" with five shells in
the chamber. Knowing that Russian
commandos are extremely professional
and highly-trained and are among the
best in world at what they do, then
any reasonable person can only come
to the conclusion that the Russian
government's explanation of why so
many commandos were shot in the back
by townspeople is nothing but another
far-fetched scenario.

This is basic police procedure. Bullets
Post by Extreme InteIIigence
travel far and they were huge crowds of bystanders right across the street
from the school.
It never occurred to anyone in charge
to cordon off the area, I suppose.
No, sadly, nothing adds up about the
entire affair except the body count.

Mr. Palmer
Room 314 in the upstairs office
2004-09-08 06:29:49 UTC
Post by Bill Palmer
For example, now the Russian government is
saying that 20 commandos lost their lives,
mostly shot, not by the terrorists, but by
the townspeople who were shooting at the
terrorists and hit the commandos in error.
In the first place, think of the utter
absurdity of anyone conducting a hostage
rescue operation when wrought-up relatives
of the hostages, bristling with weapons,
are standing just behind the anti-terrorist
forces. Would any sort of police or
commando unit want to try and do its job
in such a situation and risk getting shot
in the back by an emotional relative of
a hostage?
If course they would, it's their job! Seems the bombs started going
off by accident & the chances are that the special forces knew there
were at least 1,500 people in there. What else can they do, sit back &
wait for the terrorists to finish killing all their captives?! Their
rescue plan would have had very little planning due to the changed
nature of the event, a re-hash of an earlier plan maybe, & would
basically have been on the terrorists terms & ground.
Post by Bill Palmer
Of course not. From the Russia government,
the media gets this far-fetched scenario
of the troops standing outside the
school exchanging fire with the terrorists
and then an image of troops dropping like
ducks due to being shot in the back by
gun-totating vigilantes.
It very likely never happened.
If indeed a large number of commandos were
shot by the townspeople rather than by
the hostages, it is far more likely
that the vigilante townspeople, probably
many of them parents or other relatives
of the children held in the school
simply executed the commandos after the
bombs went off. The townspeople probably
did that because they became enraged that
the commandos did not prevent the school
from exploding, and the explosions no doubt
looked and sounded so bad, that the relatives
with all the guns assumed their children
had already been killed and took their
fury out on the commandos.
A very lame conspiracy theory indeed, doesn't stand up to any thought
on the matter. Why would they kill the people most able to save their
children?! Their hatred would be directed at those in the building.

Chances are a lot of the dead are actually relatives killed by the
special forces as they would most likely be in civi clothes. A lot of
special forces would have been killed by relatives by accident, both
stray bullets & mistaken identity. There were explosions but no-one
would have any real idea how bad they were. Besides, most of the
relatives would have done military service & know a little more about
explosives, explosions & guns than the average American observer.

